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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Hana-Kimi vol 13-15 by Hisaya Nakajo


                    Three's a crowd.
After a pipe breaks down in Dorm 1, Mizuki and Sano must share their room with Kadoma while it's being fixed. Kadoma is nice though---so nice he comes in to scrub Mizuki's back in the shower! Later, Nakatsu asks Sano how he feels about Mizuki and then tells Sano they're now rivals.

My Review:

                              I love this series so much. I guess it's shown by me sticking with the series this long. I was so excited to read this volume because of the cliffhanger in the last volume. I was wondering if Sano was going to explode with Gil's information. I wasn't disappointed. We meet a new character as well. He doesn't become a permanent stay but I do hope to see his character again in later volumes. This set of volumes were as good as the others. Slightly better because I feel like everything is coming around. I mean there was still a lot of comical scenes that make you chuckle, but there were more serious scenes which made me feel like the characters have grown. Not a lot because they still act like idiots but enough to take notice and to appreciate them more.

                 In this set of volumes, a pipe breaks down in Dorm 1 so all the boys in Dorm 1 are crashing with the other dorms. Kadoma gets roomed with Mizuki and Sano. Lucky for them since he's so nice, but also very tough since now Mizuki has to hide the fact she's a girl with two guys in a cramped room. Mizuki is also broke and needs a job. She ends up working as an assistant to Ebi, the makeup artist from the time when Mizuki modeled. There she meets Alex, a famous model who us known to be difficult and a lover of Japan. They don't really get off on the right foot. And finally, Nakatsu suspects that Sano likes Mizuki and decides to ask him outright, straining their friendship and making the others worry.

                  Once again, Mizuki is still her cute adorable self but she has more of a temper in this set of volumes because of Alex, who drives her mad. There are times where she has angry outbursts but this is a first time where it is constant which I liked a lot. It was great to see a different side of her than her usual happy dense self. I mean no one is calm and great all the time. There were other times where she was sad but again, I've never seen her angry so it made her character more real. Sano is as serious as always but also very agitated. He can't get what Gil said out of his head which makes him push Mizuki a little. I was personally a little happy it happened because I want them together so badly. Luckily it didn't ruin their friendship and brought something to light. I won't say what. Nakatsu was a lot more serious in these couple volumes because of his needing to know of Sano's feelings. I mean he's still a dolt and acts like a kid but I really felt how he kind of grew up a little. I think because of this strain that came about revealing Sano's feelings made their bond stronger. I liked how they made a pact. I know I don't say this often but I like Nakatsu a lot and I feel really bad that he's not really in the running for Mizuki's heart. I wish there was someone for him. Ebi is a character we haven't seen for a while so I was happy to see that Mizuki was going to work for her. She is still so nice and cool. I like her character a lot. Alex was an interesting character. He was the typical jerk but it wasn't because he was a spoiled top notch model, it was because he didn't want anyone to know why he did certain things. Of course with Mizuki's stubbornness, she found out. That brought a new light to all of his actions. I liked that he brought out a new side to Mizuki. I really hope he comes back in a future volume. 

              The plot got a little bit thicker with these three volumes which I enjoyed so much. I mean I love the comical moments but things needed to progress even though it was just a little bit. I can't wait to see what the author has in store next. The art is the same as always. I'm not a big fan of the cover but I love the art on the inside. I have no real complaints but I also don't have anything new to add.

               Overall, I loved this set of volumes and so can't wait to read the next set of volumes. Especially, because of the little treat at the end of volume 15. I mean it wasn't really a cliffhanger but still, it is driving me crazy. As always, I highly recommend this series to romantics. It is funny, sweet, and will just warm up your heart. 

Stars:                     5/5

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