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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Age of Adaline (2015)


  1. Adaline Bowman (Blake Lively) has miraculously remained a youthful 29 years of age for nearly eight decades, never allowing herself to get close to anyone lest they discover her secret. However, a chance encounter with a charismatic philanthropist named Ellis Jones (Michiel Huisman) reawakens Adaline's long-suppressed passion for life and romance. When a weekend with Ellis' parents threatens to expose the truth, Adaline makes a decision that changes her life forever.

My Review:

                 I loved this movie so much. It was much different than I expected it to be. It exceeded my expectations which made me really happy because usually with movies like this the idea is great but the execution is horrible but amazingly this was not one of those cases. It was beautifully done and kept me emotionally invested. This movie drew at my heart strings like there was no tomorrow. This is definitely a movie you see with your girlfriends but I guess you could drag your boyfriend to the theater as well. My dad liked this movie a lot so there should be a few guys who will like this movie. I wasn't sure if I would like the narrations at first but it only happened twice in the movie and I found them to be necessary so if you don't like narrations don't worry about it since it only happens in the beginning and the end and not in a cheesy lesson way but in an informative way. If you like romance movies then you will like this movie a lot but romance wasn't the whole focus here which I loved. It was letting go and overcoming your fears. It's about not running. Romance kind of played second fiddle. I mean it was heavily present but the romance was the catalyst to the characters' change in emotional state. 

               In this movie we follow the life of Adaline, because of a freak accident she was trapped in her late twenties. It shows her struggles from never aging and her past romances. We also see a budding romance between her and Ellis. We see her going through the pain of knowing it won't work out and her internal battle of whether she should stop it before anyone gets hurt. 

               Adaline was an amazing character. I loved her sass and smart remarks. I loved how vibrant she could be and how strong she was. I also liked how vulnerable she was as well. I mean it was nice to see. I like strong characters but hate when they're too strong. She was the perfect balance. She seemed very real and reliable. She was definitely my favorite character. I absolutely adored Ellis. Yeah he was a tiny bit of a creeper but he was so adorable and earnest. I loved him from the start and couldn't get enough of him once he entered the picture. I just loved his character. It was the perfect balm to Adaline's emotional wounds. I thought they were perfect for each other. They complimented each other greatly. Ellis is a close second as a favorite character. I liked Ellis's dad a lot. He was an interesting character and definitely had an interesting past. I liked how much he supported his son and Adaline. I really liked Adaline's daughter as well. She was so sweet and really wished for her mother's happiness. She kept rooting for her and Ellis.I liked all the characters but you really don't see much of them except for the three I just talked about. 

                    Honestly, I have never really liked Blake Lively's acting. I was never a fan of hers and steered clear of any work she did. I absolutely loved her in this movie. You will never hear me say anything horrible about her when mentioned with this movie. I mean she seemed like she was made for this role. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She had that old soul feeling and had that slight sophistication about her. I mean she performed her role beautifully. Her facial expression really showed Adaline's pain. I don't know how to fully explain it but her expressions were so on point, like she was actually living Adaline's life. Blake Lively was phenomenal in this role and I stand by this 100%.

                        Michiel Huisman was also pretty amazing as Ellis. He's a lot scruffier than most women would like. Usually we have the cute dorky or really hot guy as love interests but here we have a cute scruffy look which I find refreshing and love a lot. It's different and different can really be a good thing at times. I think Michiel was perfect as Ellis because he has the look, his smile is infectious, and he really seemed so in love which really pulled at my heartstrings. I mean he made this movie so real to me that there were times where I forgot I was sitting in a sticky movie theater with only semi good popcorn and flat soda. I really want to see more of his work in the future. Girls, if you usually don't go for this look go for his acting. I mean it will trump his appearance.

                     Ellen Burstyn was great as Flemming. She may have not played a huge role but she was a great supporting character. It must be hard to act like a daughter to someone you physically look older. I mean I don't think I could have done it seriously. I applaud her acting. I liked her for this role a lot. I can't imagine anyone else playing it. I also liked her smile a lot. I know it doesn't really matter when it comes to acting but you have to like how an actor/actress looks for the part. I mean if they don't seem to fit then you probably won't like them. I'm glad she was cast for this role.

                          Harrison Ford as William Jones, Ellis's father, was amazing. I loved him for this role so much. I mean the pure emotions he was able to portray when he saw Adaline and when he figured out what Adaline was. I mean I don't think I've seen any good facial expressions like that for that emotion. I was blown away by his acting. I loved the whole cast for this movie. I wouldn't change a single one. They all did great!

                         Overall, I really loved this movie. I normally don't buy dvds anymore but when this comes out on dvd I'm totally buying it. This is a high recommendation. You should really go see this movie. I love the sass and biting comments that made you laugh so hard. It wasn't a stupid funny though where they could classify it as a comedy. This movie is not a light fluff movie. It is intense and will keep your mind occupied for a while. If you haven't seen it yet you should soon.

Stars:                             5/5

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