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Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Hunters (2013)


                                         A family of archeologists hunt down artifacts from fairy tales that have been hidden around the globe.

My Review:

               This movie was good. I saw it on Netflix over spring break and thought it was good. It's nit the best but it's a lot better than most of the movies on Netflix. I liked everything about this movie but I felt it was lacking something. I would recommend this though if you don't know what to watch and think the plot it cool because it is. I would watch this movie again if I was bored or had nothing to do. My sister liked this movies as well and if you've been following me then you know she rarely likes anything. It's annoying. Anyway I liked this movie a lot but again it was missing something.

                This movie is about two brothers who find out their parents are Hunters, which are people who hunt down magical artifacts from the fairy tales we all know and love. Their parents go missing and have to hunt down the shards to the mirror from Snow White to save the world and find their parents.

                 Tripp was my favorite character. I loved him so much. He was so funny and I loved how smart he was. He was a genius. I also liked how ready he was to believe his parents are Hunters and were enthusiastic to hunt down the shards to help them. I also loved how he interacted with his brother Paxton. The two of them bump heads a lot but you could tell they cared about each other. Paxton was kind of an ass. I get that he has a lot of  family issues but the way he handles things is horrible. He wasn't a bad guy though. He's there for the people he cares for which one of his redeeming qualities. He wasn't a bad character. I mean yeah he had his issues but he was a great edition to the team with his witty remarks and semi good plans. Dylan was awesome. She was so kickass and I loved her fights with Paxton. Those two are so entertaining together. They clash so much but I do ship them together hard. I mean they had their cute awkward moments and I thought they were a good fit. Anyway Dylan was really smart and kind of the team leader of the group. She was quick on her feet and quick to come up with ideas and plans. She was another character I liked a lot. Mason was a creep. I mean he seemed so creepy when he helped out the brothers and he I don't know how to explain it. I didn't really like his character. He was also predictable which I didn't really like as well. Tripp and Paxton's mom was pretty cool. She was so protective of her sons. I also liked how cool she was. I liked almost all the characters basically.


                     Robbie Amell was awesome as Paxton. He had the perfect tone for Paxton's anger and frustration. I also liked his facial expressions when Paxton was pissed off and fighting with Dylan. I've liked a lot of Robbie's movies and this is one of them. He's always done a great job. I've never been dissatisfied with his acting. Alexa Penavega was amazing as Dylan. I haven't seen much of her acting before so it was a new experience for me. I loved her annoyed expression especially when it was because of Paxton. I also liked her voice a lot. I think she was most expressive through her voice. Alexa and Robbie acted well together. I would love to see more of their work.

                  Keenan Tracey was phenomenal as Tripp. I mean he looked so cute with that cheeky smile and just had that great trouble maker look. I also loved his expressions. I think they were the best out of everyone's. He was also pretty good looking which helped a lot. I haven't seen him in anything else but I plan on looking him up later to see what else he's in. Victor Garber was good as Mason. I don't think this was his best movie though. I just think he really didn't fit the role well. I've liked him in a bunch of other things like The Flash and Legally Blonde. He could have done a lot better. But if he was aiming for Mason to be creepy then he did amazingly. I liked the cast as a whole. They did a really good job of casting the roles for this film.

              Overall, the plot was really good. It was a good idea and I enjoyed it immensely. I felt though that there was a lack of magic in the field. I mean if you're hunting magical artifacts shouldn't something more magical happen? It seemed more like a treasure hunter movie. Otherwise I liked it a lot. I was a little disappointed in the lack of magic but it wasn't bad. I loved the characters and would really watch this movie again. I recommend this movie to people who love romance, action, fairy tales, and treasure hunting. 

Stars:                     4/5

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