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Thursday, March 19, 2015

TV series: Eye Candy season 1 (2015)


                           Eye Candy centers on tech genius Lindy, who is persuaded by her roommate to begin online dating and begins to suspect that one of her mysterious suitors might be a deadly cyber stalker. When her friends at the elusive cyber-police uncover a potential serial killer in Manhattan, all signs point to one of Lindy’s dates. Teaming up with this band of hackers, Lindy works to solve the murders while unleashing her own style of justice on the streets of New York City.

My Review:

                I was a little nervous to watch this series because I never really liked Victoria Justice's acting. I've also never really liked any of MTV's shows except for Catfish, Girl Code, and Ridiculousness. I'm so glad thought that I saw it. I mean if you love mystery and crime shows, then you should watch this. I mean the main character Lindy isn't a cop but it deals with secrets, lies, a serial killer, and a whole lot of craziness. I mean I love Criminal Minds so I'm used to blood and gore but this was just as good. There was a couple instances where I had to leave the room. It was that intense. Not the scariest but up there. I mean I couldn't take it sometimes. This isn't a show you should write off right away.

                Eye Candy is about a girl named Lindy who is obsessed with finding her sister who was kidnapped right in front of her. Along the way Lindy's best friend, Sophia, signs Lindy up on a dating app with the user name Eye Candy which brings out the scary as a serial killer becomes obsessed with Lindy and kill those around her including those she loves. She along with the Cyber Crime Unit do their best to find and catch the killer.

             I liked Lindy a lot. There were a few times where I thought she was wrong or just too stubborn but I liked that about her. Sometimes especially with these kinds of shows, I don't like the perfect main character so it was great to she her at her best and worst. I also liked how strong she was. She would do anything to stop the killer and save her friends. I don't really like her friend Sophia. She just didn't seem to take things too seriously. All she wanted to do was party. Well she's not a party girl I know I made her seem that way. I may have not liked that but I understand her reaction. She's scared and just wants to forget about it and not have to be scared. I loved George. I thought he was cute, funny, smart, and just plain old adorable(man I sound like I have a crush on him). He was always there for Lindy and ready to go the extra mile for her. I liked his friendship with her. It was very stable and I think perfect for Lindy. Tommy...I love Tommy. I liked his character a lot. I mean he's kind and dedicated. He's also strong and willing to do anything for Lindy. I mean every time she walks into the room his eyes are on her and nothing else. I mean I so love him. I guess you can tell that I ship the together huh. Well I do and proudly say it. I liked Jake but he could never come close to Tommy. I mean Jake was hot don't get me wrong(I liked Tommy's looks better) I just don't think he could have measured up to Tommy. I mean Jake was always late or had to cancel and yes Tommy did make a huge mistake with Lindy but I forgave him and sort of felt bad for him. Now back to Jake since I didn't talk much about him. He was interesting. I mean as you can probably tell I didn't really like him. I don't know. Haven't you ever disliked a character but couldn't answer why when asked? Anyway, Tommy all the way.


                Victoria Justice as Lindy was amazing. I felt that she was perfect for this role. I've never really liked her acting before but I guess those roles just weren't perfect for her like this one. I mean I thought she did a phenomenal  job with playing Lindy. She portrayed her emotions beautifully and really showed Lindy's strength throughout the show. If you have reservations to see this show because of her then you really should get rid of them. She really isn't bad in this show.  I mean you shouldn't let your doubts hold you back from this show.


              I thought Casey Jon Deidrick was amazing as Tommy. I haven't seen his acting before but I was impressed. I mean the way he showed Tommy's love for Lindy was so moving to me. I couldn't help but feel bad for him when Lindy was with Jake or the time Lindy found out about his and Ben's secret. Tommy was my favorite character because of Casey's acting. He's also pretty good looking which helped a lot. I mean I liked him a lot. I really hope there is another season so I can see more of his acting. I might actually just look up other gigs that he's in.

               Ryan Cooper was really good as Jake. I mean the way he could switch modes and emotions like that was incredible. He did really well with that role. I enjoyed Ryan as Jake a lot. Though my friend would say that she doesn't care about the acting as long as he was hot. Jake is her favorite character. She ships him and Lindy together. But like I said, Ryan's facial expressions were really good. On par with Casey's in fact. I thought those two were pretty amazing. I liked all the actors. I thought they were good for their roles. MTV did great with casting for this show.

               Overall, I really liked this show. I loved the plot, the characters, the acting. Though there were somethings that seemed a little too obvious. That's like my main and only problem. I loved the season finale. That was probably the craziest episode ever. I liked the open ending with Lindy's sister. I also liked how things were left off with Lindy and Tommy. Yeah they weren't together or close to be but there wasn't any walls between them anymore. I don;t want to talk about it more and give it away. I do recommend this show. It's intense, full of action, a little romance, and just a whole lot of fun. I mean each episode was very unique. The doll house one was probably my favorite. But anyway check this series out if it seems remotely interesting.

Stars:             4/5

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